Would you accept interference in your life or business?

Would you accept interference in your life or business?

Stats aside, but surely an intrusion into your business is never welcome. And even more so by people who don’t know you or don’t know what you do.

Thus, we can also see how much harm the interferences made by the government in public companies do. And even knowing that the market repudiates these interferences, they continue to be made.

The peace they proclaimed so much is far from being exercised by the political commander, as he needs to leave the platform where he expresses harsh words against the previous government, the market, BC, Agro and a large part of the electorate that did not vote for him (70% of the population). .

What would be the repercussions of these interventions that we have in our economy, in our days, in employment, internet, among others?

  • Escape from local and foreign investors;
  • Lack of confidence in the company being interfered with;
  • Lack of interest in investing in publicly traded companies losing their real market value;
  • Distorted and disguised prices are not good for the population;
  • Dollar, stock exchange and interest without directions favorable to the country.

Always placed as a parameter in our economy, both the stock exchange, interest rates and exchange rates are our reflections or signs of how the country is being managed.

With interference, we see the stock market falling, interest rates rising and a volatile dollar, largely due to the lack of a government plan, the inconvenient speeches of politicians, senseless attacks on public institutions and interferences in privatizations carried out. or reviewing already closed contracts.

Even though the State-Owned Companies law was created, we had the displeasure of its being revoked and so they were approved to hold political and non-technical positions as president of public companies, as it should be. So we return to the scene of political risk in public companies.

So we conclude: not even interference in a couple’s conversation can be welcome. And how much more so in solid companies, with international renown and with public/private assets such as Petrobras, which does not accept interference in prices by the government and politics, penalizing companies by the market and investors.

The fact is that with Luiz or if it were Jair, both the markets, businessmen and the population do not accept interference in public companies, among others. After all, our country still depends a lot on a good articulation, on a healthy economy and without regression. That’s what the population, investors and businessmen want…

The world is full of fights, we want peace.

So think about it, these frictions that we are witnessing do not bring anything positive to the country.

By Brasil 61

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